1. Please download the exe file to the desktop of PC. Here is the link to download.
Download (v1.2.2 2021-03-05)
Go to your phone’s Settings > About phone, then continuously tap [Bulid number] for 6 times until it’s shown “Developer mode has been turned on” on your screen.
Notes: Enabling method may vary on different phones. Please refer to the methods of respective phones.
3. Enable USB Debugging
Go to Developer options and enable USB debugging.
Huawei phones: Need to additionally enable "Allow ADB debugging in charge only mode".
Xiaomi phones: Need to additionally enable "USB debugging (Security Settings)".
4. Connect the phone to PC with the USB cable and tap Always allow from this computer and Ok after prompting Allow USB debugging?.
At the same time, it will be prompted
5. Open the exe file on the desktop of PC and click OK in the photo.